With God anything is possible.
(#mystoryHisglory #livewithpurpose #journeywithHim #abundance #dreams)
Well hello there! Welcome to our first official blog of the year 2020-free (2023).
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jana. I am the newest member joining the Purpose & Proverbs team this year. I would love to share a little bit with you about my journey and how I got to where I am today.
Let's go all the way back to the month of September 2022. I was in the thick of a corporate job, working 8 to 5, living in Potchefstroom with my gorgeous husband, and hanging on to what seemed to be the last little floating branch in a vast ocean. I was in a storm. I felt purposeless and stuck. I needed a breakthrough. I needed Jesus...
One night after work I decided to make a list of all my dreams for 2022. I thought it could be a good way to remind myself of my dreams and revive my aspirations. And so I wrote a list of 15 of my biggest dreams. I closed the document, shut down my laptop, and totally forgot about my little list for a while.
About a month later my husband unexpectedly got an amazing new job opportunity in Pretoria, which meant that we would have to move out of Potch. It was daunting, to say the least, but we both trusted that God had bigger plans for us.
Stepping out on the water with Jesus is always humbling. He knows exactly what He is doing. And so we took a step of faith and moved.
I had no idea what I was going to do in Pretoria, but I felt that God released me from a very strict corporate environment. I felt Him say that I can dream again and be creative in 2023. So a few weeks later we met up for a quick coffee with some of our very good friends, Stephandre and Annerie. They casually asked about my career path going forward and I just said that I am going to be creative, but I had no idea what I was going to do yet. That was the first time that they mentioned a potential opportunity for me to join the team. I remember driving back to Potch with a smile on my face all the way. Just imagining the possibility of being able to create Jesus-breathed products that can help people along in their faith journey excited me so much!
The puzzle pieces came together and a few weeks later here I am - working at Purpose & Proverbs, being creative, working with people, and spreading the Gospel through amazing products. To loop back around... I accidently stumbled accross that list of all my dreams for 2022 and I was shocked to be checking off 11 of the 15 items that I had jotted down about 3 months ago. I completely forgot about it, but God didn't. He is so faithful. He wants us to live abundant, extraordinary, and purposeful lives! He picked me up out of the storm and set my feet on solid ground. A new beginning full of hopes and dreams. Completely free to do what He has called me to. I hope this encourages you to trust Him with the biggest and the smallest of things. No matter how stuck you feel, He is faithful.
Let me land with this inspiring verse. John 10:10 - "I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]." (AMP)
God gave you dreams for a reason. Trust Him to make them come true. His timing is perfect.
I literally got goosebumps as I read this! This is amazing and I am sooo glad that you joined our team. Your gift is so great and it definitely adds to the room!🔥